5月 1st, 2006 のアーカイブ

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TechCrunch » Did YouTube Just Raise another $25 million?

I’ve heard from three independent sources that YouTube may have very quietly raised another $25 million in venture capital after raising two rounds totalling $11.5 million from Sequoia Capital. YouTube’s last round ($8 million) was announced just a month ago, on April 5, 2006.

3回のファイナンスによるYouTubeの総調達金額は11.5+25=$36.5 Million。
(前2回はSequoia Capitalから調達。)

Like I said, this is only a rumor (and I’ve been dead wrong with YouTube rumors in the past), but this one makes a lot of sense.


35 million videos are watched daily and they have 13 million unique monthly visitors.


Forbes reports that YouTube’s bandwidth fees are approaching $1 million per month. Since YouTube is revenue-free (they just started placing ads on the site in March), they need more than $11.5 million in capital to keep up with growth.

ForbesによればYouTubeの1月の回線料は百万ドルで、成長を持続するには$11.5 million以上の資金が必要。

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