The Top 5 Points A Venture Capitalist Wants To Hear

The Top 5 Points A Venture Capitalist Wants To Hear

1) Exit Strategy
2) Entry Barriers
3)What is Product/Service Similiar to?
4) Existing Revenue
5) How Much Money Do You Need? For What?

①回収スキーム、②参入障壁、③競合商品/サービス、④現在収益、⑤必要資金とその使途、といった具合で、まぁ基礎的というか当たり前というか、この程度はすらすらと説明できないととても資金調達などできない、といった感じですが、1) Exit Strategyの説明の中で、

A popular exit strategy is being bought-out by a massive competitor or partner, such as the Web 2.0 companies who have been or are hoping to be aquired by a giant like Google. Other strategies like going public or simply liquidating the business exist, but remember that ultimately your exit strategy has to have data and some realistic thinking behind it.



Venture capitalists and angels are looking for approximately a 10x return in 5 years on their money, so your venture must be able to provide this.

