5月 23rd, 2006 のアーカイブ

会社法であそぼ – 「判例・通説」



Technorati and Edelman Partner on International Blogosphere
—–Technorati Weblog

Technorati がEdelmanとかいう「the largest independent global PR firm」との提携を発表した記事がTechMemeに。

Technorati is accelerating the development of fully localized versions of our service in Chinese, Korean, German, Italian and French. These will be moving through development and testing over the coming months and will be complete, public products in early 2007. (Technorati today can show posts in 20 languages, but so far we’ve only done completely localized versions in English and Japanese).
Technorati and Edelman Partner on International Blogosphere


Only a third of blog posts are in English; today more people post in Japanese than in any other language. And the number one blog worldwide: its 老徐 徐静蕾 新浪BLOG.

とか書かれているのを見ると、本当に分かっているのか、なんだか怪しくなってきますねw 老徐 徐静蕾 新浪BLOGって日本語のBlogじゃないじゃないですかw 単に英語以外のBlogの隆盛を伝えたかっただけで直前の文章とは分けて考えて欲しかったのかもしれませんが、文脈の流れからすると…うーんw

話は若干横にずれますが、Technorati.comTechnorati.jpとでは「What’s happening right now」の内容が全く違っていたりすることが多いので興味深かったりします。最近の例では、Technorati.comではStephen Colbertがあれだけ盛り上がっていたのに、Technorati.jpでは殆ど音沙汰がないとか。




* Technorati now tracks over 35.3 37.3 Million blogs
* The blogosphere is doubling in size every 6 months
* It is now over 60 times bigger than it was 3 years ago
* On average, a new weblog is created every second of every day
* 19.4 million bloggers (55%) are still posting 3 months after their blogs are created
* Technorati tracks about 1.2 Million new blog posts each day, about 50,000 per hour


* The blogosphere is multilingual, and deeply international
* English, while being the language of the majority of early bloggers, has fallen to less than a third of all blog posts in April 2006.
* Japanese and Chinese language blogging has grown significantly.
* Chinese language blogging, while continuing to grow on an absolute basis, has begun to decline as an overall percentage of the posts that Technorati tracks over the last 6 months
* Japanese, Chinese, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French, Portuguese, Dutch, and German are the languages with the greatest number of posts tracked by Technorati.
* The Korean language is underrepresented in this analysis
* Language breakdown does not necessarily imply a particular country or regional breakdown.
* Technorati now tracks more than 100 Million author-created tags and categories on blog posts.
* The rel-tag microformat has been adopted by a number of the large tool makers, making it easy for people to tag their posts. About 47% of all blog posts have non-default tags or categories associated with them.
