「Web 2.0」って商標だったの?

IT@CorkというIT関係の非営利組織がWeb 2.0 Half Day Conference というイベントを企画していたところ、Tim O’Reillyの関係するCMP Mediaから「Web 2.0」という用語を使用することはまかりならんとして、「a cease and desist letter 」(なんて訳すのか知りませんが、差止請求のようなものかと。)が送られてきた、ということらしいです。

The letter demands that Tom stop his use of the term “Web 2.0″ in a conference he’s putting on. The letter states that the use of the term is under a trademark application in connection with live events, conferences, etc.
O’Reilly Associated with “Web 2.0″ Trademark Scandal – Michael ArringtonのCrunchnotes

Basically O’Reilly are claiming to have applied for a trademark for the term “Web 2.0″ and therefore IT@Cork can’t use the term for its conference.
O’Reilly trademarks “Web 2.0″ and sets lawyers on IT@Cork!

Mr. Open Source Sues IT@Cork
O’Reilly Lawyers To Sue Over “Web 2.0″


I sense that a lynching is about to occur in the blogosphere, and Tim O’Reilly is going to be the person lynched. Bloggers aren’t going to trouble themselves with the fact that this letter is from CMP, not O’Reilly (Tim may not know about it).
O’Reilly Associated with “Web 2.0″ Trademark Scandal

[ 追記 ]
O’Reilly Radarに、この件についてのポストがあがりました。

In retrospect, we wish we’d contacted the IT@Cork folks personally and talked over the issue before sending legal correspondence. In fact, it turns out that they asked Tim to speak at the conference, though our Web 2.0 Conference team didn’t know that. We’ve sent a followup letter to Donagh Kiernan, agreeing that IT@Cork can use the Web 2.0 name this year. While we stand by the principle that we need to protect our “Web 2.0” mark from unauthorized use in the context of conferences, we apologize for the way we initially handled the issue with IT@Cork.
O’Reilly Radar – Controversy about our “Web 2.0” service mark

「出来れば法的書状を送付する前にIT@Corkの人間と私的にこの問題について話し合えればよかった。IT@Cork側がTimに会合でのスピーチを依頼していたことが判明したが、当方のWeb 2.0 Conference teamはその事実を感知していなかった。我々はDonagh Kiernanに追状を送り今年はIT@Corkが「Web 2.0」という用語の使用が可能であるということで合意した。「Web 2.0」の乱用を阻止すると言う方針に変わりはないが、IT@Corkに対して今回我々が取ったやり方については謝罪する。」


Ironically I invited Tim O’Reilly to speak at this conference last February and his response (which I received on 15th of February) was
I would love to be able to do it, but my schedule is just too full for an additional international trip.
Tom Raftery’s I.T. views - O’Reilly trademarks “Web 2.0″ and sets lawyers on IT@Cork!


To protect the brand we’ve established with our two Web 2.0 Conferences, we’re taking steps to register “Web 2.0” as our service mark, for conferences.
O’Reilly Radar – Controversy about our “Web 2.0” service mark

とも記載されているので、イベントなどにおいて「Web 2.0」という言葉を冠に使うことについては慎重になった方がよさそうです。

「service mark」とはなんぞや? Trade markとはどう違うの? という疑問についてはWikipediaの解説を見ると、

In some countries, notably the United States, a trademark used to identify a service rather than a product is called a service mark (SM).
Under the US law, service marks have a different standard of use in order to count as a use in commerce, which is necessary to complete registration and to stop infringement by competitors. A trademark normally needs to be used on or directly in association with the sale of goods, such as on a store display. As services are not defined by a concrete product, use of a service mark in advertisements is instead accepted as a use in commerce.

