6月, 2006 のアーカイブ


This is just ridiculous. Three year old CouchSurfing, a beloved service used by some 90,000 members, had multiple database crashes, critical parts of the software and data were irretrievably lost, and the backups weren’t performed properly. They are not rebuilding the service. They literally put themselves out of business.

CouchSurfing Deletes Itself, Shuts Down - TechCrunch


Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. After a fire, the earth is replenished; after a storm, the air is cleared. It feels to me like this loss of CouchSurfing is how it’s meant to be. This crash is like a sign from the universe.


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シンガポールに本社を置くITセキュリティ企業、COSEINCでステルス型マルウェアを研究するジョアンナ・ルトコウスカ氏によると、この新しいコンセプト「Blue Pill」は、AMDの仮想化技術「SVM/Pacifica」を利用して超軽量型のハイパーバイザーを作成するものであり、これによって下層にあるOS を完全に支配するという。
Vistaを脅かす100%検出不可能なマルウェア「Blue Pill」 – IT Media NEWS


Microsoft Researchとミシガン大学の研究者たちは、VMベースのrootkitを開発した。このrootkitは「SubVirt」と呼ばれ、ターゲットシステム上で動作するセキュリティソフトウェアはその状態にアクセスできないため、これを検出するのは不可能に近い。


「Blue Pillの根底にある考え方は単純だ。OSがBlue Pillを飲み込むと、超軽量型のBlue Pillハイパーバイザーによって支配されたマトリックス(母体)の中で目覚めるのだ。この一連の処理は瞬時に行われ(システムを再起動する必要はない)、パフォーマンスが低下したり、デバイスが使えなくなったりすることもない」と同氏は説明する。

Japan’s bond trading was on Thursday disrupted by a major technical failure, dealing another blow to the reputation of the country’s financial markets.
Japan bond trading hit by technical glitch – FT.com

日本債券市場が機能停止に陥っちゃって、国際的信用にもかかわるってなことが書いてあるんですけど、「国債」とか「債券」とかでググってもそれらしいNEWSが見当たらず。他国の記事に教えられている自分が情けない。「a major technical failure」って具体的にどうやうこと?って思っても、「The rest of this article is for FT.com subscribers only」なんで先が読めません orz

FORTUNE EXCLUSIVE: The world’s second richest man – who’s now worth $44 billion – tells editor-at-large Carol Loomis he will start giving away 85% of his wealth in July – most of it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
CNN Money – Warren Buffett gives away his fortune


Buffett has pledged to gradually give 85% of his Berkshire stock to five foundations. A dominant five-sixths of the shares will go to the world’s largest philanthropic organization, the $30 billion Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose principals are close friends of Buffett’s (a connection that began in 1991, when a mutual friend introduced Buffett and Bill Gates).

Bill Gates says he and his wife are “thrilled” by that and by knowing that Buffett’s money will allow the foundation to “both deepen and accelerate” its work.


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technoratiTop Searches上位に見慣れない名前が。


どうやらフランス版のGoogle Earthのようですが、アクセスが殺到しているのか、サイトのトップは表示できたものの、個別のページはすべてTime Outしてしまってみれません。

PARIS (AFP) – Nearly five million Internet users have clicked on to “Geoportail,” the French answer to Google Earth offering high-resolution aerial imagery of France, in the first day of the site’s operation, the portal’s developers said.

Millions knock on door to France’s new ‘Geoportal’ – Yahoo! NEWS

どうやら「high-resolution」というところが肝のようですが、今更Google Earthの二番煎じに何故それほどの関心が集まるのか理解できていません。 「developed by the state-funded National Geographic Institute (IGN)」とのことですので国家を挙げてGoogle Earthに対抗しようとしているのでしょうか?

What Internet users are waiting for is the chance to zoom to within 50 centimetres (20 inches) of the ground, a first in Europe.

50cmの解像度というのは、ちょっと信じられないくらいの精度ですね。これでは相当ヤバいものまで識別できちゃうし、プライバシーについても心配…。尤も、今のところフランス本国その他一部の地域に限られているようですし、「with only certain sensitive or military zones left blurred.」とのことですが…。

I used to think that things like rocks and buildings and my own skeleton were fairly solid. But they’re made up of atoms, and atoms, as you can see here, contain so little actual material that they can barely be said to exist.

We are all phantoms

Hydrogen Atom Scale Model


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Don’t Tease Geeks

Geeks are known for being smart and this just goes to show you how smart they really are. If you tease them then it will come back to haunt you!

I thought it was pretty funny 😀 .

Me too 🙂


Fake anti-piracy campaign proves Microsoft haters lifeless, friendless – Valleywag

Then you get a message from Microsoft, that you are lucky time this is just a DM, but next time your machine can crash for real if you use bootleg software.

What sort of idiot puts a CD-R from a total stranger into their computer?

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TechCrunch Japan

In addition, Japanese startups will be featured on the site, and many of those posts will be translated to English for inclusion on the main TechCrunch site.


Valleywagで紹介されていたCraigslistのCEO Jim Buckmaster のインタビュー(WSJ)。

Zen and the Art of Classified Advertising



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