6月 6th, 2006 のアーカイブ


So in the next year, we’re inevitably going to be hearing about dozens of web 2.0 startups that fail for one of the following reasons:
1) Bad execution
2) Bad idea
3) Bad market
Crash Of The Web 2.0 Titans


Web 2.0 is not an irrational surge of growth like we saw with the crash in 2000. Instead, we are experiencing a paradigm shift that focuses on social involvement and more efficient computing. Sure, some of these companies will fail, but something like 96% of all small businesses fail. Sure that is discouraging, but where would this world be without risk-taking entrepreneurs? Then you have the inspiring stories like that of Digg, Del.icio.us, Facebook, et al. that keep the rest of the entrepreneurs going.

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Google Spreadsheet

Google Spreadsheet
Google Spreadsheets. Ready? Go!

So what can you do with Google Spreadsheets?

* Create basic spreadsheets, change the number format, sort by columns, and add formulas.
* Upload spreadsheets or worksheets from CSV or XLS format.
* Share documents with someone by entering the email addresses of the person.
* Multiple people can edit or view your spreadsheet at the same time.
* Auto-save: never lose your work.
* Save your spreadsheets in CSV, XLS and HTML formats.

Web Applicationとしての意味があるのは共有のみ? それだってExcel + LANで似たようなこと出来ますよね。


“Google’s spreadsheet isn’t as sophisticated as Excel. For instance, the Google spreadsheet won’t create charts or provide a menu of controls that can be summoned by clicking on a computer mouse’s right-hand button.
Google to Introduce Spreadsheet Program


Rochelle said the program’s main goal is to make it easier for family, friends or co-workers to gain access to the same spreadsheet from different computers at different times, enabling a group of authorized users to add and edit data without having to e-mail attachments back and forth.
Google to Introduce Spreadsheet Program


昔々、Intel Share(名前はうろ覚えです)だったかいうのがあって、既に同じような機能を謳っていたような。プロモーション映像があって、小じゃれたレストランでカップルが食事をしていて、女性の方が男性に、今日の仕事は散々だったわ、見たいな愚痴を言ってんるですが、数日後に今度はエスニック料理屋で会ったときには、Intel Shareのおかげで絶好調よ、みたいな感じでした。


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