His Vent

Google-love is getting out of hand.
After I wrote about the launch of Google Spreadsheets this morning, one commenter said “Its very nice and sleak. Will be very useful for keeping track of money etc”, as if this was the first spreadsheet he’d ever seen.
TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Google to add Albums to Picassa! And I Need to Vent

TechCrunchの読者の中にSpreadsheets を知らない人もいたとは驚きでした。まだ仕事や研究にPCを使う機会のなかったとても若い層でしょうか。

それはさておき、今回のエントリの肝は冒頭の「Google-love is getting out of hand.」ってとこ。最近、Michael ArringtonはGoogleに辛いですね。PPC Video Adsの時も「this won’t be popular for advertisers, publishers or viewers.」なんて言ってましたし。
今回も吼えまくりです。タイトルからして「I Need to Vent」ですから。

What drives this kind of blind enthusiasm? When is the last time Google released a product that really changed our lives? For me, it was (and is) their core search engine.

世の’Google Watcher’たちは、何か新しいサービスが発表されるたびに大騒ぎするばかりか、ドメインまで見張っていて次にGoogleが何をするかを予想までしています。それはそれで面白いとは思いますが、一方、ここでMichael Arringtonが指摘していることも念頭に置いておかないといけないと思います。収益源である広告だって検索技術が基になっているわけですしね。

Now, if Google actually announces their intention to eat Microsoft’s lunch by trying to kill their Office revenue with a full online office suite, that would be interesting. Or if they said they wanted to eat into Flickr’s growing market share by competing more aggresively in online photos, I’d have some respect for them.


My recommendation? Put some real product people in charge over there who are willing to fail occasionally, and cut the bullshit communications strategy that succeeds only in pissing off journalists and users. Stop being so damned condescending. Build something aggresive and visionary, and then properly communicate what it is.




My recommendation? Put some real product people in charge over there who are willing to fail occasionally, and cut the bullshit communications strategy that succeeds only in pissing off journalists and users. Stop being so damned condescending. Build something aggresive and visionary, and then properly communicate what it is.

And on a sidenote, I met Peter Chane, Google’s Senior Business Product Manager for Google Video, tonight – he was on a panel I moderated about online video trends. This guy is for real – smart, tough, insightful and not afraid to speak his mind. People like him need to be in charge over at Google.


Google needs to embrace the possibility of failure. They need to stop making all of the same mistakes Microsoft made. They need to build aggressive and visionary products, kill stuff that doesn’t work, muzzle their out-of-control communications team and start telling us what Google 2.0 is going to be.

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