Google wanna be a BIG BROTHERS?

Google gonna be evil. Who want to hand in their privacy to getting some crappy info like Nicole Kidman’s fashion?? They are too arrogant.

A team from Google Research has developed a prototype system that uses a home computer’s internal microphone to listen to the ambient audio in a room, determine what is being watched on TV and offer web-based supplemental information, services and shopping contextual to each program being watched.
TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Google Research prototypes ambient audio contextual content

Marshall Kirkpatrickというこのエントリのライターの意見は

It’s strange, but it sounds like it works and people might really like it.


Is google crazy?!? I can’t even imagine what this current project would make the privacy advocates say. Letting it hear us over a mike, and then making ads? This is giving me the creeps, and I have no intention in allowing 1984 style loss of privacy coming any quicker that it already is. I can see this information being used for good, but in the hands of the wrong people. Oh my god! What if the government is successful in subpoening google for information? So, now apart from phone calls, they literally tap into our living rooms, and hear our conversations.. Absolutely not!


The NSA will just love this.


Great!!! Another way to get more, better spam!!! More ads, consumers rejoice?


そういうサービスはむしろ放送局側が積極的に展開していくべきで、既に ワンセグでは似たようなことをやり始めているのではなかったですか? Googleに先を越されてしまうようでは情けないので頑張って欲しいものです。。

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