
Boing Boing: Macabre Japanese candy product

Macabre Japanese candy product
Heidi MacDonald came across a truly strange food product, based on a movie about kids who starve to death.

Macabre —- ぞっとする、身の毛もよだつような
「Heidi MacDonaldは子供が餓死する映画を基にした極めて奇妙な食品を偶然見つけた。」

One of the finest animated movies ever made is the Japanese film HOTARU NO HAKA – or GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES, a horrifically beautiful movie about two Japanese children orphaned by the war who struggle for survival with no food in a society turned savage. Based on a true story, it is a struggle they do not win, as the opening scene reveals. Beautiful, lyrical, grim yet unsentimental — no one human can watch this film without weeping.

懐かしい映画ですね。トトロと併映じゃなかったですか? 個人的にはもう見たくありません。泣いちゃうから。


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